Moving stuff

TL/DR: moved WordPress to a new host and website didn’t work (and how to fix it)

I’ve just moved this domain to a new host. In the last 15 years moving domains from host A to host B is a thing I’ve done for fun a couple of thousand times and a thing I’ve done professionally a few hundred thousand times (the biggest challenge was moving the entire corporate dot com website plus mobile apps from a legacy datacentre to a super-dooper hybrid cloud datacentre, fitting in upgrades whilst in-flight, and putting in a few thousand mapping and routing changes, and overlaying the new infrastructure with a new security model along the way was no picnic, I can tell you!). So moving this little domain from one host to another was a piece of cake, yes? Well, no.

On the new host I created the new database, created a user, assigned permissions to the new user then I created the new domain in cpanel. Flipped over to the old host and downloaded all the WordPress files and directories, then downloaded a copy of the database. While WordPress was still downloading I went back to the new host and imported the legacy database into the new one. When WordPress had finished downloading, I opened an ftp session to the new host and uploaded all the WordPress stuff. Then I opened the wp-config.php file and changed the username, database name, localhost, and password, then sent that on its way too. Then I created an email address for this domain on the new host.

Then I went to the domain registrar (a third party, just to keep things complicated) and updated the nameservers and then the DNS settings, pointing everything at the new host. This should have resulted in a seamless switchover while I was catching some Zs. So when I woke up and say the blandest of bland error messages that said, in a nutshell, this website isn’t working today (or ever, unless you fix it), I was a mite disappointed.

Ping and tracert both told me that the new DNS settings had propagated and all calls to this domain were being packaged to the new host correctly. On a whim I tried the MX settings, I created a new email on the new account against this domain on the new host and sent it off. The email rattled into my other inbox. I replied to it. The reply rattled into the new inbox. So MX settings mirrored what ping and tracert were telling me – that the new domain was up and running. Except the error message said it wasn’t.

The only thing left to pick apart was the config file in WordPress. I read through every single character very carefully and on line 25 I found the gremlin. When I created the new database I’d given it a password similar to abcde12e4t99!!” and that was why the migration failed. The password contained the character ‘ (yes, a simple single quotation mark) and the coding structure of WordPress expects to see the two characters ); after every single quotation mark at the end of a line of code. So this, for example:

define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost:3306’);

But because I’d used a ‘ after the second exclamation mark I’d tripped up on the WordPress syntax, because it expected to see ‘); and not expecting to see another quotation mark. And that was the problem. The whole website was brought down by a ‘ in the password text. The solution was, obviously, not to use a quote mark in the password. I changed the password and Robert’s your Mother’s Brother, everything just clicked into place.

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